Let's Talk About Resources

February 25, 2021

Let's talk about resources! The context for many churches is changing-and the changes affect how they receive and use resources for mission and ministry.Are you finding yourself?...

If you are facing any of these, or similar questions, in your context - this tool is for you.Created in partnership with the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving, Let's Talk About Resources is designed to facilitate creative and imaginative conversations about how churches can use their resources in service to their local community. You will read and discuss fascinating case studies of congregations that have put resources to work in creative ways. A simulation game within the tool, Drive and Deploy, will help your team explore how different kinds of resources can be deployed in different ways for meaningful transformation in your community.

You can access this tool (and many others) for free with a Mycelium Network Membership.

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What people are saying about Let's Talk About Resources

"As more congregations grapple with declining budgets and reduced revenue, I'm often asked for ideas.  Instead of giving a list of recommendations, this resource unlocks the power of creativity, found in the Spirit of God, for congregations to listen, discern, and act in new, hope-filled ways."

"Thank you - I think this will help a lot of people figure out the best paths for their faith communities!"

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