Good Futures Accelerator

A course to unlock church resources and imagination


Is your church building costing you more than you can afford?

Does it sit empty for large portions of the week? Or would you simply like to make more use of your space?

Are you looking for new ways to generate income for your church?

Are you wondering how to better connect your ministry with the needs and gifts of your neighborhood?

What if you could use your buildings and property to further your mission and ministry in your neighborhood and to generate new forms of income?

The Good Futures Accelerator Course can help!

Good Futures Accelerator is a dynamic and proven course that empowers congregations to align money and mission by exploring how to creatively use their church buildings and property to further their mission and build financial resilience.

Good Futures Accelerator Overview

  • Effective - Good Futures will get the congregation to a viable idea for social enterprise using their building and/or property.
  • Efficient - It will take most churches about 9-12 months to complete the course.
  • Self-directed - The church works at its own pace.
  • Multi-format learning experience - Content and activities are accessed via printed materials, online videos, games, in-person group exercises and more.
  • Engages leaders AND the whole congregation - The core course is taken by a leadership team of about 5 people from each congregation. Exercises throughout the process help to engage the full congregation in what leaders are learning and what is emerging from the accelerator.
  • Excellent return on investment - Congregations that participated in the pilot are already making great strides towards a sustainable financial model and bringing in as much as $100,000 a year through new mission-aligned income.
An image showing the contents of the accelerator: videos, host guides, welcome box, participant workbook, and group table sheets.PURCHASE THE ACCELERATOR TODAY
Are you a Presbyterian Church, USA congregation? Access the PCUSA version of the Good Futures course here.

Course Overview

How Each Session Works

The Good Futures Accelerator works with teams of three to seven from each participating congregation. At each stage of your learning journey you will complete individual pre work, where you will learn more about the topic; followed by a group session, where your team will gather to discuss, learn, and make decisions.

Take a Sneak Peak

What does the Good Futures Accelerator course include? How does it work? And how can it help you? Learn all that and more in this short introductory video.

Learn How the Course Works

Wondering how the course works and how everything comes together? Generate new forms of income. Reimagine the use of your buildings and land. Fulfill your mission and purpose in your community. Learn more about RootedGood's Good Futures Accelerator from our recorded webinar.

“Without [Good Futures], I think we would be considering selling our building and just trying to survive. We are now starting a business center for local entrepreneurs and small businesses—a real need in our community.”

– Chrissy, Pastor

It works!

  • 9 out of 10 congregations would recommend the Good Futures Accelerator to others
  • 88% said Good Futures was very or extremely helpful in seeing new possibilities for how their property can help further their mission
  • 79% said Good Futures was very or extremely helpful in seeing new possibilities for how their property can generate new revenue streams
  • All but one congregation reported that Good Futures helped increase their understanding of their context

Frequently Asked Questions

Good Futures Cohort Option

Are you interested in providing Good Futures to a group of churches? Or participating in the course as part of a cohort learning community?

RootedGood offers an option for you to engage up to 8 churches in a cohort experience. We provide a cohort leader guide, additional support, and a 50% discount for participating churches so that you can bring a group of congregations together to journey through the course.

Contact us to learn more.

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“[Good Futures] has helped us figure out what the needs are in our community and how we can use what we have got… It has really helped counter our scarcity mindset while fostering our imagination.”

– Casey, Pastor