What Next?

June 9, 2021

What's Next? A new tool for ministry planning

One year ago communities and churches around the United States were adjusting to severe limits on how we could gather due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One year ago the team at RootedGood was also designing our What Now? and How Will we Gather? tools to help congregations plan for their programs and worship services in that new reality. More than 1200 congregations have downloaded those tools in Spanish and English. We’ve heard from many that those tools were extremely helpful in quickly and effectively designing new programs during uncertain times.This summer we are in a new time of uncertainty. While the virus continues to circulate, vaccines have made it possible for people to start getting together again. Many churches are getting together for programs in person again, or are planning to do so in the coming months. But the core realities of congregational life remain uncertain: What is the role of church in a society that is increasingly religiously unaffiliated? What is the funding and economic model for churches as giving declines, buildings age, and the needs around us are greater than ever? How does the church “be the church” in ways that are relevant, life-giving, and meaningful to its neighbors? RootedGood has partnered with the Office of Christian Formation of the Presbyterian Church, USA, to design an updated tool designed to address these challenges in an emerging post-covid world. We are pleased to introduce, What Next?

What Next?!

What Next? is based upon the general design of What Now? but with a broader application to ministry contexts beyond the local congregation (such as camps, campus ministries, etc.) and looking beyond the pandemic environment. What Next? will help ministries of all kinds envision the good they want to create in the world, evaluate the needs around them, understand their constraints, and make practical plans for the future of their ministry. Designed collaboratively with colleagues at the Office of Christian Formation, this tool will help you answer that question, “What’s Next?

At RootedGood we are deeply committed to partnership and collaboration. During the creative co-creation that led to this new tool, we brought our expertise in process design and innovation to interact with the experience and ministry knowledge of our partner. This is a model that we find rewarding, effective, and life-giving.Do you have content, knowledge, or curriculum that you want to turn into a highly engaging and effective tool? Are you interested in developing a new tool or resource to help social impact organizations innovate or do their work better and you want some help designing it? Perhaps we can work together. Reach out to us at info@rootedgood.org and let's start a conversation. In the meantime, there is a lot of good work to be done, so let's get started on What Next?!

Download What Next? free with your Mycelium Network Membership

What Next? is available for FREE to all Mycelium Network members. The Mycelium Network gives you free access to most RootedGood tools, connects you with dynamic and innovative leaders around the country, and offers access to invite-only workshops, events, and networking gatherings. Join today to access What Next?

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