Good Futures Accelerator Impact Report

February 25, 2024

Friends, the time has come! We are thrilled to share RootedGood's Good Futures Accelerator Impact Report with you. 

Three months after we founded RootedGood in 2020 and began rolling out our Good Futures Accelerator (previously known as Oikos) for church-based social enterprise, the world shut down due to Covid-19. Like you, we had to pivot and change plans for our accelerator. And like you, we moved forward in faith. 

Three years later, we are very pleased to have evidence that despite all the changes we had to make, and the challenges of the pandemic, the Good Futures Accelerator helped participating churches experiment with new economic models and innovative expressions of ministry.

The Report

In this report you’ll see that:

Good Futures Impact Report. Click here to download.

The Future of Good Futures

The first round of the Good Futures Accelerator concluded at the end of 2022. But don’t worry, if you haven’t had a chance to participate yet you can access the accelerator in one of these three ways beginning this fall, 2023:

Additional Resources

In the meantime, as we prepare for the rollout of these options, you can access tools that save you money and time as you work to make the most of your property and resources for mission and ministry. 

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