Looking for Ways to Save Time and Money?

April 29, 2021

We often get asked if RootedGood does consulting. The answer is no. While each of the founders have extensive experience with consulting, consulting is not what RootedGood offers social impact organizations. Instead we offer games, tools, process, and experiences that help YOU move further, faster. We are experts in designing self-directed processes that allow you to draw upon your own knowledge, strengths, resources, and team members to experience excellent conversations, innovative ideation, and robust planning. Check out our short animated video describing how this works. We have the utmost respect for consultants, and many consultants choose to use our tools to help them do their work. But we believe that social impact organizations can accomplish much of what they are seeking to do without the extensive time and cost associated with engaging a consultant. RootedGood tools can save you more than $7000 and 30 hours of time. We are confident in this because we have seen it work over and over again. Here are just a few examples:

You can see in the chart below that even a small selection of RootedGood tools and resources can help you throughout the whole lifecycle of social impact design and measurement. Get started today by joining the Mycelium Network for just $99 per year.

The value of RootedGood's self-directed tools

The tools named above are just a selection of the resources we have available.

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