Impact Investing Resources for Churches

July 14, 2022

A growing number of churches and church-related organizations are shifting their investment assets into funds and partners that provide social impact returns alongside financial returns. They are recognizing that the investment money God has entrusted to us can be used for redemptive and restorative work and not just to make more money at the lowest risk. This is called “impact investing''. But even if churches are convinced that impact investing is good stewardship of investment assets, we often don’t know where to start or how to educate our finance and investment committees about impact investing. 

This collection of resources was first developed by a lay leader at a church in Madison, WI to help his congregation understand and consider impact investing with their church endowment. With his permission, RootedGood is making it available to you and your church. This document doesn’t cover everything out there about impact investing but it is a good place to start to learn more about how to put investment money to work to make more good in the world.

Click here to download the resource. Download today.

Want to know more about how impact investing compares to regular investing, philanthropy, and other uses of money? Check out this diagram from our friends at FIIND Impact.

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