I Spy

August 14, 2020

“With my little eye”

When you want to make a difference in the world, sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest part. Back in the 1600’s in England there was a group of Protestants called The Diggers that formed an agrarian movement. They had a saying “Dig where you stand.” At the core of their work they were acknowledging the inherent connections between people and their surroundings. The fact is you have to start where you are. But where? We believe it starts with seeing new things: both challenges and opportunities in your context.We have created this I-spy tool, riffing off the old children’s game, to help people have fun discovering new things in their own context.

This tool will give you prompts to uncover both assets and needs which together will illuminate new opportunities for action. It will help you be more observant about the world around you, and then to use logic and reasoning to draw new conclusions.Why not use I-spy to help you get outside and see something new? It can be used on your own or in groups and is Covid-friendly!

You can access this resource (and many others!) by joining Mycelium.

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